DiXBoT v2.1 Build 3072 + New DiXBoT Manager

DiXBoT v2.1 Build 3072 + New DiXBoT Manager

Started by Snooze, 11 July, 2011, 13:26:56

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Hi guys,

It's time for an update :-)

Changelog: DiXBoT v2.1 Build 3072
DiXBoT v2.1 Build 3070 (07.11.11)
? Added    : Blocker: Added ClientCheck
? Added    : Blocker: Added CountryCheck
? Added    : Reconnect time check based on IP instead of just Nick
? Improved : Chat Description now shows #users joined the chat
? Improved : DiXBoT Manager intl. management
? Notes    : Download updated DiXBoT Manager from www.dixbot.com
? Notes    : Please send your unwanted users to demo.dixbot.com:9999
? Notes    : to help us test new features :-)
Get Support at http://dixbot.com and dchub://demo.dixbot.com:1209

This new version is available from http://dixbot.com

  • Script only
  • Ready 2 Run
(Ready 2 Run is DiXBoT including PtokaX and the custom profiles - already to run :-))

and via Autoupdate (type !update in your hub).

Changelog: DiXBoT Manager v.
? Added    : Blocker: Added controles for ClientCheck
? Added    : Blocker: Added controles for CountryCheck
? Improved : Module-info will be auto-updated once selected.



Download DiXBoT Manager from http://dixbot.com

Enjoy :-)



hmm that doesnt seem to work it just keep resterting last version of script without the updates :(



Sorry to hear that you have problems with the update feature.
Please join me in my demohub, so I can help you fix this issue --> demo.dixbot.com:1209




For users that run OS XPPro sp3  it is wize to first transver you hub completly from example c: to your desktop otherwize the update to 3070/3071 will not work and will keep restarting older script version :D

regards ;)


I suspect this being a permission issue, though can't confirm it - don't have XP on any of my comps!



The release note says: Please send your unwanted users to demo.dixbot.com:9999 to help us test new features
and that is still valued. This release would not have been possible without the help of AFRIKA_KORPS - thank you bunches!

There are many happy hub owners out there, who are using DiXBoT. If you want development and new features and requests answered, don't assume that 'someone' will send users, send some yourself. Every single test user is appreciated and there are no requirements for share size or client or anything.

Enjoy the new DiXBoT y'all  :D


Hi all

DiXBoT v2.1 Build 3072 is now avilable for download on the the DiXBoT website.
First post updated with Link :-)




I've added a Ready 2 Run version on the website.
This version is a PtokaX + DiXBoT backage that, when downloaded, is ready to run :-)





Please, where can i download this. The dixbot.com Website is down.

Kind Regards


Hi I am alost looking för the DiXBoT manager. Have been searching far and wide but it seems to be well hidden out there. Could anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance! :)


keep on sharing :)


Yupp, seems like its been gone for some time now. I was just thinking that maybe someone saved the script before it went down and would be an angel and share it.  :angel:


Try searching on DC++, I could be around sharing scripts  ;)
keep on sharing :)


keep on sharing :)


For a copy of DixBoT: join my hub and search..
keep on sharing :)

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