LUA Command Line


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LUA Command Line

Started by (Mr420), 11 October, 2003, 01:28:27

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Hey Peeps. I'm just curious. I downloaded the LUA Command line a while back. I notice that you can script in it...kinda. But, what is its intended use? I'd like to know how I can use it, or what it does?


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hi, it's the standard lua 4.0 interpret. It's good for testing general lua syntax, or so. Im using it for experimenting with regular expressions for strfind() ;)

It has nothing to do with ptokax lua API so do not expect that ptokax scripts will be running in it.

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thanks bro. I was wondering...hehe. I would try writing a script in it and it would work...until you made an error...thn ooops...start over...hehehehehe
Ptokax Owns J000!
Owner of: ??Rg????n R?@LM?
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