WordJumbleBotv2......Word game


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WordJumbleBotv2......Word game

Started by XPMAN, 17 January, 2004, 23:30:40

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I downloaded this out of the scripts that Optimus is so nice to host. It runs fine except the   a.hint   command does not work at all. Was trying to figure out how to add a auto 2nd hint , say 30 secs after the first one  to add one more letter in it too. The manual hint like I said is not working at all. If someone could help me figure it out i would appreciate it.

Seems to be a really nice script , it might be cause i am beta testing the new PtokaX and there is some incompatibility there.

here is the config file for it:     Jumble.cfg

-- JumbleFever
-- Author: RabidWombat

-- This is the config file to set values.
-- Do so at your own risk.

sBotName = "JumbleFever";

sTranslator = "Your name here";
-- NOTE: this file is a lua file. JumbleFever calls dofile on it. So
-- you can do anything in here that you would want to occur in the
-- PtokaX Main event.

sJumbleWordsFile = "Jumble\\English.txt";
sJumbleScoresFile = "JumbleScores.txt";

sHintChar = "?"

iDisplayScores = 10; --  displays top 10 scores
-- iDisplayScores = nil; -- displays all scores

-- In seconds
iPauseTime = 10;
iHintTime = 60;
iGameEndTime = 120;
iBonusTimeLimit = 10;

-- Scores and Hint are now formula strings that have variables:
-- iLength = length of phrase (minus spaces)
-- iBonusTime = bonus time remaining
-- additional math functions such as min, max, floor, etc can be used
-- If you're not a scripter, don't change this.
-- Cause I don't want to help 20 people with nil problems :-P

sScoreFormula = "6"; -- score equals 6
-- sScoreFormula = "$iLength"; -- score equals length of phrase
-- sScoreFormula = "2 * $iLength + 3" -- score equals length of phrase times 2 plus 3
-- sScoreFormula = "min($iLength - 5, 0) * 2 + 6"; -- score equals 6 plus 2 for every letter beyond 5
sBonusFormula = "$iBonusTime"; -- bonus score equals bonus time
sHintFormula = "floor(.4 * $iLength + .5)";

-- Command table.
-- Format: ["cmdname"] = { FunctionName, OperatorOnly, "Description"}

tCommands = {
   [strlower("a.start")]   = { StartJumbleGame,      0,   "Start the jumble game. Can be used with language selction (a.start language)"},
   [strlower("a.stop")]   = { StopJumbleGame,      0,   "Stop the jumble game."},
   [strlower("a.phrase")]   = { DisplayJumblePhrase,   0,   "Display the current jumble phrase."},
   [strlower("a.help")]   = { DisplayJumbleHelp,      0,   "Display this message."},
   [strlower("a.scores")]   = { DisplayJumbleScores,   0,   "Display current scores."},
   [strlower("a.myscore")]   = { DisplayMyJumbleScore,    0,   "Display your score."},
   [strlower("a.hint")]   = { DisplayJumbleHint,       0,   "Display the hint."},

   [strlower("a.join")]   = { JoinJumble,       0,   "Join the private jumble game."},
   [strlower("a.leave")]   = { LeaveJumble,      0,   "Leave the private jumble game."},

   [strlower("a.private")]   = { SetPrivateJumbleGame,    1,   "Set Jumble to be private."},
   [strlower("a.public")]   = { SetPublicJumbleGame,   1,   "Set Jumble to be public."},

-- This string table is dynamic. You define GLOBAL variables with $varname. To define "$"
-- user $$. All above values are considered globals. All others in this table have easy
-- names so I hope everyone understands without an explaination. Try to use common sense
-- when selecting global variables in a string. If you don't think it will be set at the
-- time the string is displayed, it probably isn't :-P

tStringTable = {
[1] = "\r\n$sBotName designed by: $sAuthor Email: $sEmail\r\n"..
   "Play word jumble with your hub mates! Any text in the main chat is \r\n"..
   "considered a guess for the jumble phrase. Here are the commands:\r\n",
[2] = "$sCmd\t- $sDesc\r\n",
[3] = "10 seconds left!!!",
[4] = "$sUserName recieves $iScore points and $iBonus time bonus. Rank $iRank/$iRankTotal (Score: $iUserScore)",
[5] = "$sUserName recieves $iScore points. Rank $iRank/$iRankTotal (Score: $iUserScore)",
[6] = "$sUserName has started a new $sBotName game!!!",
[7] = "Type \"$sJumbleHelp\" for help.",
[8] = "$sUserName has stopped the $sBotName game. :-(",
[9] = "The Jumble Phrase is: $sJumblePhrase", -- fix
[10] = "Rank: $iRank/$iRankTotal Score: $iUserScore",
[11] = "You don\'t have a score! Loser. :-)",
[12] = "$sUserName has joined the jumble game.",
[13] = "Hello $sUserName",
[14] = "$sUserName has left the jumble game.",
[15] = "The Jumble Phrase was: $sActualPhrase",
[16] = "Top $iDisplayScores $sBotName Players\r\n\r\n",
[17] = "All $sBotName Players\r\n\r\n",
[18] = "No Scores",
[19] = "$iPos) Name: $sUserName - Score: $iUserScore\r\n",
[20] = "Here\'s a hint: $sHint",
[21] = "The $sBotName has stopped automatically. :-("


part 2

Here is the lua file:  Jumble.lua

sAuthor = "RabidWombat";
sEmail = "cbarber@dwc.edu";

bGameRunning, bGamePaused = nil, nil;
sJumblePhrase, sActualPhrases, NoSpacePhrase = nil,nil,nil;
iLength, iBonusTime = 0, 0;
sScoreOutput, sHintOutput, sHelpOutput, sOpHelpOutput = nil, nil, nil, "";
iTimeCount, iGameNoReplyCount = 0, 0;
tScores, tScoresByName  = { n = 0 }, {};
tChannelUsers, iChannelCount = {}, nil;

-- PtokaX Events --

function Main()

   sScoreFormula = "return "..sScoreFormula;
   sBonusFormula = "return "..sBonusFormula;
   sHintFormula  = "return "..sHintFormula;


   sHelpOutput = StrReplace(tStringTable[1]);

   for cmd,tTemp in tCommands do
      if(tTemp[1] == DisplayJumbleHelp) then
         sJumbleHelp = cmd;

      sCmd, sDesc = cmd, tTemp[3];

      if(tTemp[2] == 0) then
         sHelpOutput = sHelpOutput..StrReplace(tStringTable[2]);
         sOpHelpOutput = sOpHelpOutput..StrReplace(tStringTable[2]);

   OldSendToAll = SendToAll;
   UserDisconnected = LeaveJumble;
   OpDisconnected = LeaveJumble;



function OnTimer()
   if(bGamePaused) then
      iTimeCount = iTimeCount + 1;

      if(iTimeCount >= iPauseTime) then
   elseif(bGameRunning) then
      iTimeCount = iTimeCount + 1;

      if(iTimeCount == iHintTime) then
         SendToAll(sBotName, sHintOutput);
      elseif (iTimeCount == iGameEndTime - 10) then
         SendToAll(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[3]));
      elseif (iTimeCount == iGameEndTime) then
         if(iGameNoReplyCount >= 3) then



function DataArrival(curUser, sData)
   local s, e, sNewData, chat, cmd, args = strfind(sData, "(%b<>%s+((%S+)%s*([^%|]*)))%|$");
   local s, e, sTo = strfind(sData, "^%$To: (%S+)");

   if(cmd == nil or (sTo and sTo ~= sBotName)) then return 0; end

   sUserName = curUser.sName;

   if(sTo) then
      curUser.SendData = curUser.SendPM;

   cmd = strlower(cmd);

   if(tCommands[cmd] and (tCommands[cmd][2] == 0 or curUser.bOperator)) then
      tCommands[cmd][1](curUser, args);
      return 1;
      if (not(iChannelCount) and strsub(sData,1,1) == "<") then
         iGameNoReplyCount = 0;

      if(iChannelCount and strfind(sData, "$To: "..sBotName, 1, 1) == 1 and cmd == "!me") then
         sNewData = "* "..sUserName..strsub(chat, 4);

      if(bGameRunning and bGamePaused == nil and strfind(strupper(chat), sActualPhrase, 1, 1)) then

         iBonusTime = max(iBonusTimeLimit - iTimeCount, 0);

         iScore = dostring(StrReplace(sScoreFormula));
         iBonus = dostring(StrReplace(sBonusFormula));

         if(tScoresByName[sUserName]) then
            tScoresByName[sUserName][2] = tScoresByName[sUserName][2] + iScore + iBonus;
            tScoresByName[sUserName] = {sUserName, iScore + iBonus};
            tinsert(tScores, tScoresByName[sUserName]);

         iRank = SetScores(sUserName);
         iRankTotal = getn(tScores);
         iUserScore = tScoresByName[sUserName][2];



         if(iBonusTime ~= 0) then
            SendToAll(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[4]));
            SendToAll(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[5]));

         iGameNoReplyCount = 0;

         return 1;
         if(iChannelCount and strfind(sData, "^$To: "..sBotName, 1, 1) == 1) then
            if(tChannelUsers[sUserName] == nil) then
               iGameNoReplyCount = 0;

            return 1;


-- Command Functions --

function StartJumbleGame(curUser, args)
   if(bGameRunning) then return; end

   if(args ~= "") then
      local s, e, args = strfind(args, "([%w%s]+)$");
      args = "Jumble\\"..args..".txt";
      if(readfrom(args)) then
         sJumbleWordsFile = args;

   OldSendToAll(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[6]));
   SendToAll(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[7]));

   iGameNoReplyCount = 0;

function StopJumbleGame(curUser)
   if not(bGameRunning) then return; end

   if not(bGamePaused) then

   if(curUser) then
      OldSendToAll(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[8]));
      OldSendToAll(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[21]));
      -- TODO: fix numbers

   bGameRunning, bGamePaused = nil, nil;
   iBonusTime, iLength = 0, 0;

function DisplayJumblePhrase(curUser)
   if(bGameRunning and not bGamePaused) then
      if(curUser == nil) then
         SendToAll(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[9]));
         curUser:SendData(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[9]));

function DisplayJumbleHelp(curUser)
   if(curUser.bOperator) then
      curUser:SendData(sBotName, sHelpOutput..sOpHelpOutput);
      curUser:SendData(sBotName, sHelpOutput);

function DisplayJumbleScores(curUser)
   curUser:SendData(sBotName, sScoresOutput);

function DisplayMyJumbleScore(curUser)
   iRank = tScoresByName[curUser.sName][3];
   iRankTotal = getn(tScores);
   iUserScore = tScoresByName[sUserName][2];

   if(tScoresByName[curUser.sName]) then
      curUser:SendData(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[10]));
      curUser:SendData(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[11]));

function DisplayJumbleHint(curUser)
   if(iTimeCount >= iHintTime) then
      curUser:SendData(sBotName, sHintOutput);

function JoinJumble(curUser)
   if(iChannelCount and tChannelUsers[curUser.sName] == nil) then
      SendToAll(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[12]));

      curUser:SendPM(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[13]));
      curUser.SendData = curUser.SendPM;


      tChannelUsers[curUser.sName] = 1;
      iChannelCount = iChannelCount + 1;

function LeaveJumble(curUser)
   if(iChannelCount and tChannelUsers[curUser.sName]) then
      sUserName = curUser.sName;
      SendToAll(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[14]));

      tChannelUsers[curUser.sName] = nil;
      iChannelCount = iChannelCount - 1;

      if(iChannelCount <= 0) then
         iChannelCount = 0;

function SetPrivateJumbleGame(curUser)
   if(iChannelCount == nil) then
      SendToAll = SendToAllInChannel;
      iChannelCount = 0;

function SetPublicJumbleGame(curUser)
   if(iChannelCount) then
      SendToAll = OldSendToAll;
      tChannelUsers = {};
      iChannelCount = nil;

-- Jumble Phrase Functions --

function JumbleString(str)
   local tStr = { n = 0; };
   local newString = "";

   gsub(str, "(.)", function(c) tinsert(%tStr, c); end);


   -- Fisher-Yates shuffle
   for n = getn(tStr), 1, -1 do
      local pos = random(n);
      newString = tStr[pos].." "..newString;
      tStr[pos] = tStr[n];

   return newString;

function JumblePhrase(phr)
   return strsub(gsub(phr, "(%S+)", function (w) return JumbleString(w).."  "; end), 1, -2);

function StartJumblePhrase()
   local hFile = openfile(sJumbleWordsFile, "r");

   if(hFile == nil) then
      SendToAll(sBotName, "Error opening "..sJumbleWordsFile);

   local _, phr = nil, nil;
   local iFileSize = seek(hFile , "end")


   while(phr == nil) do
      seek(hFile , "set", random(iFileSize)-1);
       _, phr = read(hFile, "*l", "*l");


   sActualPhrase = strupper(phr);
   sNoSpacePhrase = gsub(sActualPhrase, "%s", "");
   sJumblePhrase = JumblePhrase(sActualPhrase);
   iLength = strlen(sNoSpacePhrase);


   SendToAll(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[9]));

   iTimeCount = 0;
   bGameRunning = 1;
   bGamePaused = nil;
   StopTimer(); StartTimer();

function StopJumblePhrase()
   SendToAll(sBotName, StrReplace(tStringTable[15]));
   sActualPhrase, sNoSpacePhrase, sJumblePhrase = nil, nil, nil;

   iTimeCount = 0;
   bGamePaused = 1;
   iGameNoReplyCount = iGameNoReplyCount + 1;

-- String Functions --

function StrReplace(sString)
   sString = gsub(sString, "%$(%w+)", function (w)
                  if(strsub(w,1,1) == "$") then
                     return strsub(w,2,-1);
                     return getglobal(w) or "nil";

   return sString;

-- Score Functions --

function SetScores(sName)
   local iCount = getn(tScores);
   iDisplayCount = iDisplayScores or iCount

   if(iDisplayScores) then
      sScoresOutput = StrReplace(tStringTable[16]);
      sScoresOutput = StrReplace(tStringTable[17]);

   if(iCount == 0) then
      sScoresOutput = StrReplace(tStringTable[18]);
      sort(tScores, function(a, b) return a[2] > b[2]; end);

      for i = 1, iCount, 1 do
         tScores[3] = i;   -- set ranks for all users

      for i = 1, min(iDisplayCount, iCount), 1 do
         iPos = i;
         sUserName = tScores[iPos][1];
         iUserScore = tScores[iPos][2];
         sScoresOutput = sScoresOutput..StrReplace(tStringTable[19]);

   sUserName = sName;

   if(sName) then
      return tScoresByName[sName][3];

function ReadScoresFromFile()

   for i = 1, getn(tScores), 1 do
      tScoresByName[tScores[1]] = tScores;

function WriteScoresToFile()
   local hFile = openfile(sJumbleScoresFile, "w");

   write(hFile, "tScores = {\n");

   for i = 1, getn(tScores), 1 do
      write(hFile, "["..i.."] = {"..format("%q", tScores[1])..","..tScores[2].."},\n");

   write(hFile, "n="..getn(tScores).."\n");

   write(hFile, "};");


-- Hint Functions --

function SetJumbleHint()
   local tRevealArray = { };

   local iReveal = dostring(StrReplace(sHintFormula));

   local iPos = nil;

   while(iReveal > 0) do
      repeat iPos = random(iLength); until tRevealArray[iPos] == nil

      tRevealArray[iPos] = 1;
      iReveal = iReveal - 1;

   tRevealArray.iPos = 1;

   sHint = gsub(sActualPhrase, "(%S)", function (c)
                     if (c == nil) then return ""; end

                     local out, tTemp = nil, %tRevealArray;

                     if(tTemp[tTemp.iPos]) then
                        out = c;
                        out = sHintChar;

                     tTemp.iPos = tTemp.iPos + 1;

                     return out.." ";
   sHint = strsub(sHint, 1, -2);

   sHintOutput = StrReplace(tStringTable[20]);

-- Channel Functions --

function SendToAllInChannel(sSender, sRawOutput)
   if(sSender) then
      local _;

      if(sRawOutput == nil) then
         sRawOutput = sSender;
         _, _, sSender = strfind(sRawOutput, "^%<(.-)%>");
         sRawOutput = "<"..sSender.."> "..sRawOutput;

      for nick, val in tChannelUsers do
         if(nick ~= sSender) then
            SendToNick(nick, "$To: "..nick.." From: "..sBotName.." $"..sRawOutput);

Then there is also a folder that goes in the same dir:   Jumble

This folder includes the txt file with all the words for the game.


The manual hint is intended for users who jumped into the game late and did not see the hint announced. It's the equivalent of a.phrase.

You didn't leave the lua tabified *sigh*

Please remove my email from the code. I don't want the web crawlers to get it.

To anyone that wants to modify it:

You'll probably want to create a second hint formula. Call the hint function on the first formula.
Call the hint function on the second formula (by swapping the two)

You'll also have to keep track of which hint formula is where.

Conditions to consider:
1) User answers correctly before hint1
2) User answers correctly before hint2
3) User answers correctly after hint2

Thinking about... this may be easily done with a hint formula table.
{ Time, HintFormula }
Every second check the table. If current time equals the time in one of the indexes, display a hint using the HintFormula with that index. Then there could be an unlimited amount of hints.


I like childish behavior. Maybe this post will be deleted next.

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