Esthetic Bot Ver 1.12


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Esthetic Bot Ver 1.12

Started by ??????Hawk??????, 17 March, 2004, 20:46:44

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This bot will not be updated use the server edition instead.

       Esthetic Bot Ver Ver 2.03c By ??????Hawk..??????

Added ascii trigger bot. 
added sub menus to right click commands. 

all ascii triggs are stored in the esthetic/ascii directory, 
to add more triggers just simply copy any ascii text file to that directory and restart the scripts ( remember to disable list clock before restarting ). 
the files will be displayed on typing the file name ( without extention ) in main chat. 


copying the text file ' hublogo.txt ' to the ascii directory would be triggered by typing ' hublogo ' in main chat.

       Esthetic Bot Ver Ver 2.02c By ??????Hawk..??????

loads of new features and changes..

       Esthetic Bot Ver 1.17c By ??????Hawk..?????? 

new settings in CFG file 


timed mass message 
auto start on triv 
tag on description for vip/master/ops/reg 


pms not getting through when nick party enabled 

	Esthetic Bot Ver 1.16c By ??????Hawk..??????


!lcon  command disabled if already running
cleaned  data arrival for less b/w  usage 

	Esthetic Bot Ver 1.15c By ??????Hawk..??????

new setting in esthetic.cfg file use new one for upgrade


 Tag in Ops Description
 Tag in masters description
            Esthetic Bot Ver 1.14c By ??????Hawk..??????

new setting in esthetic.cfg file use new one for upgrade

Timed message not sent line by line
ASCII clock not sent line by line


 Tag in vip's Description

            Esthetic Bot Ver 1.13c By ??????Hawk..??????

Game bots names not changing with CFG file
user = nil  on trivia end causing the timed message and clock to freeze

            Esthetic Bot Ver 1.12 By ??????Hawk..??????

.Displays timed main chat message at a period set in config file.
.displays ASCII Clock at a timed period set in config file.
.Bot Description Cycles through 6 x lines of text every 20 sec's ( set in config file ).
.Gives Description to  ops chat.
.2 x Nick partys.  ( Trig and  name lists set in config file ).
.displays clock in user list.
.random intro/outro message  for  ops and vips.   inspired by Chaggydawg's random intro/outro script

All User editable settings found in the  esthetic/esthetic.cfg  file

timed message set in esthetic/timed.txt

	   Esthetic Bot commands Ver 1.12 By ??????Hawk??????

	Nick Party 1:-      Inspired by Demone.Astaroth's  crazy animals

		! on
		! off
		! rnd		random nicks

	Nick Party 2:-  

		! on
		! off
		! rnd		random nicks

	Clock:-      Inspired by  Large ammounts of beer and Wooshmans's  time bot 

		!lcoff			List clock enable
		!lcon			List clock disable
		!time			displays hub ASCII Clock in main

	Trivia:-     Inspired by  TrivBot by ralig

		!trivstart		Starts the hub Quiz
		!trivstop		Stops the hub Quiz
		!scores			Show Scores
		!cleartrivscores	Clears the Trivia Scores

	Anagram Game:-  Inspired by  RabidWombat's Jumble

		!anstart		Starts the hub Anagram Game
		!anstop			Stops the hub Anagram Game
		!scores			Show Scores
		!clearanscores		Clears The Anagram game scores

Download the latest ver from here

Unzip in to your scripts directory...
edit the  esthetic/esthetic.cfg  and the  esthetic/timer.txt


is great work hawk only it use a lot of cpu ant mem
Gothic Metal City

photoshop and 3D


yeh i am optimising it as i learn lua,

but  its not as heavy as running  seperate scripts to achieve the same results.

running with a few smaller scripts and robocop 6d

[22:39] CPU usage (60 seconds average): 5.5%
[22:39] MEM usage: 2030 kB

which i dont think is too bad really  !!


Heya ppl

no feedback !!!   :(

This is an ongoing project and would appreciate any feedback / bug reports.

also if you have any requests for future releases then pls let me know.

no security requests though  theres plenty of Great scripts for controlling security out there

this script is aimed at FUN and making your hub estheticly pleasing to look at .


i think your script is to good
Gothic Metal City

photoshop and 3D


QuoteOriginally posted by ??????Hawk??????
yeh i am optimising it as i learn lua,

but  its not as heavy as running  seperate scripts to achieve the same results.

running with a few smaller scripts and robocop 6d

[22:39] CPU usage (60 seconds average): 5.5%
[22:39] MEM usage: 2030 kB

which i dont think is too bad really  !!
how many users and what are the system specs ???

plop lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<


am i missing something?  ?(
something like the dwld link of the package?

i run small private hub with 40max user with 1GB Ram..

i think it woul fit perfect ;)


hi ppl

Quoteam i missing something?  

Check out my signature click on download


hub specs

dedicated   2100Xp  1 gig mem  adsl  512/256  holding 250 ish users at the time of stat


sorry i think i disabled freaking annoying animated signatures :S

check PM pls



hmmmm   seems like the  servers offline at the moment
but heres the link for when it comes back online

Download Esthetic bot


Nice Script Hawk

Some nice new stuff in there

Would it be possible to just have the clock bit - as I would love to have just that clock bot




maby when ive maxed this script out i will brake bits off.

but the idea of this script is to have an all in one to handle the fun script.


haev you maxed it out yet :) ... hope you hevent forgotten me hawk.... still nice and great..

keep it up..


Quote=========== ! ! NOW RELEASED ! ! ============

===== Download Esthetic Bot V1.14c BY ??????Hawk?????? ====

it seems this link is dead :(


sorry for dead link sometimes.

the server has been very unstable over the last few days but its only usually down for  10 mins at a time so pls  just try again after a short while

it is back online now   :))


Hi :) been running the script for the morning im getting an error "attempt to concat local share a nil value" did i do something wrong :( plz help..


hey peeps   Version 1.06c  uploaded.  read first post for update log.

QuoteHi :) been running the script for the morning im getting an error "attempt to concat local share a nil value" did i do something wrong :( plz help..

Talking in pm to H?LL?L?L??nG?L i find the error is not reported to any script but just appears on its own in the script error box

anyone else getting the same problem ?????

im running it with robocop 6d /  plops unregister scipt and a couple of other small ones  and all seems ok


WoooooHooooooo Hawk!!
This script Rocks:) Its working sweet since i used ur update v1.16c.....No probs so far :) so...... time to add more games   :P  :P  :P  nice 1 and to save me on more scripts....  :P


Esthetic Bot Ver 1.17c By ??????Hawk..??????
new settings in CFG file


timed mass message
auto start on triv
tag on description for vip/master/ops/reg


pms not getting through when nick party enabled


pasted from other thread


Hawk great news for me an for 4 as well!!
PPl love your bot!!!
I will definitely keep it!!
just couple of requests for future releases:
1./Setable nbr of questions before break.
2./Random tag info instead of bot description in hubs topic?/can it be done?/.
3./Setable name fot hubs time - add european time zones cause i run the hub in chicago gmt zome for ppl from europe there is 7 hours+ in time difference!!!

Other than that - Great Soft!!!

1.  yes will add option for ## amount of questions for game

2. dont understand pls explain more .

3. time zone set in CFG file  gmt / gmt+1/gmt+2  etc etc.

the next ver may take a few days as im re writing some of the code..

:-)  happy gaming




Hi there Guys im the webadmin for the hubs-inc site and have had to set it so that registration is needed to download the scripts :(

Im sorry about this but atm the server is getting a hammering and its to stop other ppl apard from Hawk havign direct links to our downloads.

Im tryignt o get a library of all the l8est versions of all hubsofts and scripts on our site so it will be well worth reging.

thanks guys and hope it isnt too much of a problem.


Heya Peeps. there has been so many changes i couldnt be bothered doin a change log so here's ESTHETIC BOT V2.00c , ops cannot disable or enable the different parts and normal users get to play with triv , anagram and nick party

this is a full list of commands:-

Esthetic Bot commands Ver 2.00c By ??????Hawk?????? 

Nick Party 1:- ~Simpsons Crazy~ ( Enabled = true, Timeout = 2 mins ) 

!sim on 
!sim off 
!sim rnd random nicks 
!np  enable or disable the Nick Party bot 

Nick Party 2:- ~Waltons Crazy~ ( Enabled = true, Timeout = 2 mins ) 

!wal on 
!wal off 
!wal rnd random nicks 
!np  enable or disable the Nick Party bot 


!lcoff List clock enable 
!lcon List clock disable 
!time displays hub local time to all users 
!clock  enables or disables the Auto ASCII clock 

Trivia:- ( Enabled = true ) 

!trivstart Starts the hub Quiz 
!trivstop Stops the hub Quiz 
!scores Show Scores 
!triv  enable or disable the trivia 
!cleartrivscores Clears the Trivia Scores 

Anagram Game:- ( Enabled = true ) 

!anstart Starts the hub Anagram Game 
!anstop Stops the hub Anagram Game 
!scores Show Scores 
!an  enable or disable the Anagram game 
!clearanscores Clears The Anagram game scores 

Joke Bot:- ( Enabled = true ) 

!joke Show a Joke in main chat 
!joker  enable or disable the Joker bot 

Kenny Bot:- 

!kenny  Turns user in to a kenny Clone 
!unkenny  Un Clones user 
!unkennyall Un Clones all user 
!showkenny shows all kenny clones 

Mute Bot:- 

!mute  Stops all messages from muted user 
!unmute  Un mutes user 
!clearmutes Un mutes all user 
!showmutes shows all muted users


ohh yes forgot to mention all commands are now acessable through the right click menu ( if your not running standard dc++ and have probs with the right click menu then please complain at the relevent forum for your Hacked Client ).

this is the config file for esthetic bot found in the esthetic directory



--==============Hub Owners Name===================== 

HubOwner = "??????Hawk??????" 

--==============Hub Quiz Bot Name===================== 

QuizBotName = "Esthetic Quiz" 

trivautostart = 20 

TrivEnable = "true" -- true/false 

--===========Hub Anagram Game bot Name================ 

AnagramBotName = "Esthetic Anagrams" 

AnagramEnable = "true" --true/false 

--=================Hub Joke bot ====================== 

JokeBotName = "Joker" 

JokeEnable = "true" --timed joke true/false 

DisplayJokeEvery = 2 -- mins 

--===========Hub Bot Description settings============= 

----- set hub bot description Cycle Text---------- 
----- will display in turn every 20 secs---------- 

bot_descr1 = "?''??.H?b? '????rp?r?T?d ??Tw?rk.??''?" 

bot_descr2 = " ?''??.Hawks Network {UK}.??''?" 

bot_descr3 = " Type ' !regme YourPassword ' in main chat" 

bot_descr4 = " and log back in for full hub use" 

bot_descr5 = " ***************************" 

bot_descr6 = " ! ! ! ENJOY ! ! !" 

--=================Clock Settings===================== 

----- Set time zone i.e gmt+1 , gmt+2 , gmt-1 , gmt-2 etc. etc. 

TimeZone = "GmT" 

DisplayAsciiClock = 30 -- Displays Ascii Clock every # mins in main chat 

ClockEnable = "true" -- true/false Enable/disable auto Ascii clock 

--================Set hub addy======================== 

HubAddy = "" 

--=========Description tag enable/disable============= 

tagEnable = "true" 

--===Sets the tag to be shown in reg's descriptions=== 

regTagInDescription = "{HW-Reg}" 

--===Sets the tag to be shown in Vip's descriptions=== 

VipTagInDescription = "{HW-Vip}" 

--===Sets the tag to be shown in op's descriptions=== 

OpsTagInDescription = "{HW-Op}" 

--===Sets the tag to be shown in masters's descriptions=== 

MastersTagInDescription = "{HW-Admin}" 

--===========Set Ops Chat Description================= 

OpChatDesc = "???.Hawks-Hiding-Place.???" 

--===========Set timed massmessage settings================= 

TimedmassMessageInterval = 40 --- displays massmessage from Esthetic/masstimed.txt every # mins 

TimedmassEnable = "true" -- true/false 

--===========Set timed message settings================= 

TimedMessageInterval = 120 --- displays message from Esthetic/timed.txt every # mins in main chat 

TimedMessageEnable = "true" --- true/false 

--=========== Mute and kenny timeout ================= 

MuteTimeout = 1 -- mins 

KennyTimeout = 1 --mins 

--=============Global Nick Party Settings============= 

NickPartyEnable = "true" -- true/false 

NickPartyTimeout = 2 -- mins 

--============== Nick Party 1 Settings============== 

NickPartyBot="~Simpsons Crazy~" --- sets Nick Party 1 Bot Name 

np1 = "sim" -- command to controll the Nick Party 1 bot 

NickPartyaNames = { 
---names to use in main chat when nick party 1 enabled 
-- This list can be added to or taken away from 
"Mr Burns", 
"Ned Flanders", 
"Maude flanders", 
"Todd flanders", 
"Rod flanders", 
"Chief Wiggum", 
"Dr. Hibbert", 
"Krusty the clown", 
"Sideshow Bob", 
"Sideshow Mel", 
--============== Nick Party 2 Settings================ 
NickPartyBota="~Waltons Crazy~" -- sets Nick Party 2 Bot Name 
np2 = "wal" -- command to controll the Nick Party 2 bot 

NickPartybNames = { 
---names to use in main chat when nick party 2 enabled 
-- This list can be added to or taken away from 
"John Walton", 
"Olivia Walton", 
"Jason Walton", 
"Mary Ellen", 
"Ben Walton", 
"Erin Walton", 
"Joseph Walton", 
"Esther Walton", 
"Zeb Walton", 
intros = { 
--===========Random Intro Messages============ 
"[USERNAME] Crawls In On Their Hands And Knees.", 
"In A Fiery Explosion [USERNAME] Appears.", 
"With A Crazed Look In Their Eyes [USERNAME] Arrives.", 
"Sir [USERNAME] Of The East Lunatic Fringe Has Arrived.", 
"[USERNAME] Arrives Yelling And Screaming Like A Maniac.", 
"[USERNAME] Arrives Ranting And Raving About Aliens Or Some Such Rot.", 
"The Demented [USERNAME] Has Arrived.", 
"[USERNAME] Appears Out Of Nowhere And Begins yet another fight against fakers.", 
"[USERNAME] Arrives And Immediately Heads For The Light Like A Moth.", 
"[USERNAME] Crashes In Through The Window.", 
"[USERNAME] Falls From The Skylight And Lands On PO-Puggles Lap.", 
"[USERNAME] Enters the Room Via The Basement Door.", 
"After Alot Of Loud Groaning [USERNAME] Comes Waltzing Out Of Janines Room...", 
"Hair In Everywhich Direction [USERNAME] Arrives On The Scene Looking More Crazed Than Usual.", 
"Brandishing What Looks Like A pillow [USERNAME] Arrives and is ready for anything ZZZzzzz.", 
"[USERNAME] Stomps in with dirty Wellies and A Sheep Under Each Arm.", 
"[USERNAME] Appears Out Of Thin Air Scaring The Hell Out Of The Hub Owner.", 
"[USERNAME] Parachutes In From An Airplane.", 
"[USERNAME] Runs In, Stubs Their Toe On A Couch And Falls Over A Table.", 
"[USERNAME] Crashes Through The East Wall Arriving In The Hub.", 
"[USERNAME] is here, How about a round of Beer for everyone?", 
outros = { 
--===========Random outro Messages============ 
"[USERNAME] Has Left The Hub", 
"Jumping Through A Plate-Glass Window [USERNAME] Leaves The Hub.", 
"Aliens Abduct [USERNAME], And They Are Gone.", 
"[USERNAME] Begins Shrinking, And Eventually Disappears From The Hub.", 
"OP-R???? Takes [USERNAME] By The Arm And Leads Them To Her Room Closing The Door.", 
"With Cat Like Reflexes [USERNAME] Leaps Out The Window And Is Gone.", 
"The Lights Momentarily Dim, And When They Come Back On [USERNAME] Is Gone.", 
"Three Giant Men In White Coats March In And Haul Away [USERNAME] Kicking and Screaming.", 
"[USERNAME] Leaves Through The Basement Door", 
"[USERNAME] Accidentally Walks Into ??????Hawks Closet??????, Muffled Screams Are Heard For A Few Seconds But [USERNAME] Is Gone.", 
"Suddenly [USERNAME] Leaps Up And Bolts For The Door.", 
"[USERNAME] Tosses A Ten On op-bigbadbev's Dresser And Walks Out The Door.", 
"[USERNAME] Runs Around The Hub Screaming And Then Leaps Out The Window.", 

also in the Esthetic directory you will fine 2 files

timed.txt will display in main chat at a period set using TimedmassMessageInterval = in the esthetic.cfg File

masstimed.txt will send to all users in a pm from your bot at a period set using TimedmassMessageInterval = in the esthetic.cfg file

the ONLY editable files are


edit anything else and your likely to brake it....


Got couple of requests :
1.Can u ged rid of popup window on user arrival?
2.Add function disable users to start/stop trivia i wish this could be only for ops!
3.External jocke file:P
4. this one i don't know if it's possible but:
    Hawk could u make bot deccription that changes automatically appear in hub topic  so it changes automatically every x minutes?
U know command !topic. PtokaX beta 15.25 has topic option! 8)
Keep up this great script ppl love it!

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