Need a script that kick people who don't share files with the right ex

Need a script that kick people who don't share files with the right ex

Started by BrainWave, 28 February, 2005, 15:00:30

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Hello to everyone on this board!

I read lots of posts and i read that good share checking (passive AND active users) can only be done with op clients like DCDM++.

So i need a script that could kick users when they are sharing other files that .mp3, .sfv, .m3u, .jpg, .nfo OR if they share files that have a 'space' in the file name. (folders with spaces have to be allowed)

I tried to user ADLSearch to kick users that are sharing files with 'space(s)'. I tried to use ' ' and '%20' for the String. For the first, no one is kicked even if they have a bad share... and for the second, everyone is kicked, even if they have the right share!! =(

So i think i have to use a script instead of ADLSearch... I think this script has to check the share when the user connects to the hub... Or does the share have to be checked every xx hours?

If anyone can help...

THX =)


hi m8  

my recommendation is to employ some good OPS.

Script's  do a really BAD job of checking files, there are WAY too many Veriables...




thx for your reply!

in fact it's too complicated for ops to check every folder to see if there are no 'bad' files when users are sharing 50+ GB for example...

i think if every op has DCDM++ with the script it can do a good job...


QuoteOriginally posted by BrainWave

thx for your reply!

in fact it's too complicated for ops to check every folder to see if there are no 'bad' files when users are sharing 50+ GB for example...

i think if every op has DCDM++ with the script it can do a good job...
then why did i again get kicked yesterday for sharing ptac's antichildporn.lua??
DCDM++ is a program 2 HELP operators, not 2 replace them.

plop lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<


operators are still useful, fortunately! They reg people who want to get regged! =)

but i think even the best operators can't check every file in every share...


QuoteOriginally posted by BrainWave
operators are still useful, fortunately! They reg people who want to get regged! =)

but i think even the best operators can't check every file in every share...

neither dcdm
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


so nobody can help me?


QuoteOriginally posted by BrainWave
so nobody can help me?

This cannot be done automated. Imagine the following: DCDM gets a list, unpacks it, opens, analyzes it and kicks according to it. Very hard and almost totally impossible. These can only be done manually for real.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


isnt it what ADLSearch forbidden file function do? It seems to be possible... it just doesn't work with 'spaces'. am i wrong?



yes, you can do that with ADLSearch... You can configure it also if it matches a forbidden file, it wil kick/warn/ban the victim...

But like Plop said:

Quotethen why did i again get kicked yesterday for sharing ptac's antichildporn.lua??
DCDM++ is a program 2 HELP operators, not 2 replace them.


It is not 100% ok to use this... ppl who uses this, can ban people who actually doesn't share a forbidden file. Also an option for you could be to send a message to the OPchat with the discription of the forbidden file...

QuoteSo i think i have to use a script instead of ADLSearch... I think this script has to check the share when the user connects to the hub... Or does the share have to be checked every xx hours?

As far as I know... DCDM will only check the user when it is logging in...

(? ?.??.-> Admin @ Surfnet hubs <-.??.???)


the problem with ADLSearch is that it doesnt work when i want do forbid 'space' in file name. I tried '%20' but it kicks everyone even users with perfect shares... If i want to do that it's because i want to do a 0day only hub.... =)

so it seems to be impossible to do a script that can "replace" ADLSearch in DCDM++?

(TTB, is it you that i met on a hub and u went on the mvidz hub to download some scooter vidz? i'm not sure...)



Quoteso it seems to be impossible to do a script that can "replace" ADLSearch in DCDM++?
Impossible? Yes and no... Yes it is impossible, because scripts are only checking ACTIVE users... But if you only have ACTIVE users, it can be done I think (there is a filechecker somewhere @ this forum).

Quote(TTB, is it you that i met on a hub and u went on the mvidz hub to download some scooter vidz? i'm not sure...)
It is a small world after all! Yes.. I'm the TTB you think it is...

(? ?.??.-> Admin @ Surfnet hubs <-.??.???)


i was not talking about a PtokaX script but a DCDM++ script...

But i don't know much about DCDM++ scripting and i don't know if it's possible to do the same things than with PtokaX scripting...


mm i don't really know if i have to use BCDC++ or DCDM++... but i believe that scripting in these clients are the same...

i found that script on the forum and that's what i need but it's a script for PtokaX...

--Requested by RDB

--Made by nErBoS

--Based on the Illegalist/Bad-Files

sBot = "Note-ME"

Files = {

" "


function Main()



function NewUserConnected(user, data)


	for i=1, getn(Files) do 

		user:SendData("$Search Hub:"..sBot.." F?F?0?1?"..Files[i]) 



function DataArrival(user, data)

	if( strsub(data, 1, 3) == "$SR" ) then

		if (not user.bOperator) then

			if (FindWhat(data) == 1) then

				local s,e,path = strfind(data, "$SR%s+%S+%s+(.+)%x+%s+%x+/%x+")

				SendPmToOps(sBot, "The User "..user.sName.." is sharing non-0day stuff in "..path)






function FindWhat(data)

	local found = 0 

	for i=1, getn(Files) do 

		if(strfind(strlower(data), Files[i]) ) then 

			found = 1



	return found


DC():PrintDebug( "  ** Loaded illegalist.lua **" )

i believe that if i use such a script in DCDM/BCDC, if i am active, it will check both active AND passive users. Am i right?

So if someone can help me by translating this script to a DCDM/BCDC script it'll be gr8...

Or i could learn client-side LUA scripting but i can't find any guide for this... If someone knows where i could find one...

THX! =)

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