G?KK? - Page 8


29 December 2022 - PtokaX (20th anniversary edition) released...
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1 August 2015 - Crowdfunding for ADC protocol support in PtokaX ended. Clearly nobody want ADC support...
30 June 2015 - PtokaX released...
30 April 2015 Crowdfunding for ADC protocol support in PtokaX
26 April 2015 New support hub!
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23 March 2014 - PtokaX testing version build 454 is available.
04 March 2014 - PtokaX.org sites were temporary down because of DDOS attacks and issues with hosting service provider.

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Started by pHaTTy, 12 October, 2003, 14:10:21

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Looking GOOD,looking soo damn good lol..
cant wait for the relise !!
Keep up the good work I?ll bring the pizza  :D


looking awesome phatty ;) keep on going dude :)


thanx lads, i robably will but im getting sick of the dc protocol, its cr*p......
Resistance is futile!


Hey (uk-kingdom)pH?tt?,

I like the look of this G?KK? it looks realli realli good and reminds me a lot of Channel Bot but the new version G?KK? is more advanved. I used to love Channel Bot but i think things needed to be updated and i was with Technics about a few commands need 2 be added but Guibs thinks those commands are not needed.

So i was thinking is there any chance u could add the follwing commands:

!scanhub - Scans The Hub 4 Useless Files Like .tmp etc And Kicks The User.

!findfake - Just Finds A Fake...I think this would be good because those programs and me are not compatible  ;) LoL

!downloadgag - Stop a person from downloading. I think this is good because if u feel that some one is breaking rules then they can b download gagged as it will annoy them.

?ip - matches an ip to a username easily

!kickban - as it is easier to kick and ban a username wen many ppl need 2 be kicked and banned!

!repass - a user or op can change there password easily.

!wassup - Shows the last 10 - 15 (or more if possible  :rolleyes: ) posts that were posted. This is good wen u are not in the hub and u can come in and find out what has been happenin.

!status - change status, eg from a Normal Reg 2 A VIP as this would be easier than delete a user then re reg them.

!bot - makes bot talk...as it may draw more attention

And Finally a !gag that no one can get out of easily because in the hub i am in just by reconnecting an annoying user that you don't want to kick can get bak in and jus chat so easily. Making Ops look stupid   :(.

I understand that there are many command that i am asking you to try and put in. If it is possible and you are able to then that woulld be excelent :D .

I'm sorry abt asking for so much and i think this is already a brilliant bot and i will use it even if the commands i have asked for are not put in. If these commands are put in then i cnt thank you enuff.

Also i realli like the way you keep us updated with what is going on which is fantastic!!!

Thanx M8 and i apologise if some commands have already been put in and i have written them as commands that hopefully u can add.

(? ?.??.->PLOP DEFINATELY 4 MOD!!!<-.??.???)


search hub for fake files i like that nice idea, find fakers, hmmm im not to sure about it, i will see what i can do, !kickban is same as !ban

Resistance is futile!


Hello (uk-kingdom)pH?tt?

Well The Gekko is really Cool I just have one small request maybe it sounds childish but why dont u avoid words like The Op has gone to lick some Pu*** and so on, I mean should it a be a decent one ? the the commands and the way the scripts done is cool, its just when the bot gives some commands when op/mod Logs in...just an small idea...
latez :)

Punakku means Welcome :)


well at my hub and network this is a an appropriate thing for us, LOL

but remember all the entrance meesages / in fact every single little bit of text in Gekko can be changed from the Lans/english file

Resistance is futile!


i just have to say i'm really looking forward to the release...cause this looks awsome man!

cred to you!



hmm well development is very slow atm, maybe i will release G5 and slowly take up on BP1
Resistance is futile!


Hello again, one small request if its not already there: Is it possible to make an "OP has entered the hub" message for each individual OP?


Umm when could this be released to use and where.
Ive always asked is there a possibility for a bot to share files?

Cant wait


share files? who said anything about it sharing files, it dont share nothink, it just connects to hub, but atm there is no scripting going on behind the scenes i have to much on my mind atm
Resistance is futile!


Sorry I was asking when Gekko could be released to us. then i was asking if you could make it share files. well at least I knew what I was saying sorry.



QuoteOriginally posted by jsjen
Sorry I was asking when Gekko could be released to us. then i was asking if you could make it share files. well at least I knew what I was saying sorry.


ahh i see ok, maybe i will add a sharing capability ;)
Resistance is futile!


hmm ive looked back at this and i see gekko has really went down hill, my new G5 (unreleased) is so much more advanced, but, i thinking about rewriting the full thing, i have much mroe knowledge, and it shud be much better, im nto sure yet lol
Resistance is futile!


Another idea......

just found this LiveTimer script......

--Live Timer by kepp
--Idea yepyepyep4711
--modded c h i l l a.

HubName = frmHub:GetHubName()

topic = "type !topic "

function Main()

function OnTimer()
      SendToAll("$HubName "..HubName.." - "..topic.." - Local Time : "..date("%H:%M:%S"))

function DataArrival(curUser,data)
   if curUser.bOperator and strsub(data,1,1) == "<" then
      local _,_,cmd,curtopic = strfind( data, "%b<>%s(%S+)%s+(.*)%|$" )
      if cmd and cmd == "!topic" then
         topic = curtopic
         curUser:SendData("Topic has been set to "..topic..".")
         SendToAll("$HubName "..HubName.." - "..topic.." - Local Time : "..date("%H:%M:%S"))
         return 1

credits at the top.........

im not sure if it is possible, but how about encorperating it withing the script and providing it with a permanent topic?????


i dont understand?
Resistance is futile!


you add it into the main hub script rather than have it as an extra .lua

when you have it as an extra .lua everytime the hub restarts you have to reset the topic, i have only just started to form .lua files and cant find a way to set the topic to something permanent?


QuoteOriginally posted by Woody
you add it into the main hub script rather than have it as an extra .lua

when you have it as an extra .lua everytime the hub restarts you have to reset the topic, i have only just started to form .lua files and cant find a way to set the topic to something permanent?

Well gekko is build for ptokax debugs, and for new ptokax when released, and new ptokax will have it integrated so not much point ;)

and also for the time its a very unhealthy thing to add to a large script in my opinion
Resistance is futile!


only a suggestions as i sed im a newbie


QuoteOriginally posted by Woody
only a suggestions as i sed im a newbie

no np still nice try :)
Resistance is futile!


keep it going m8.......i jus cnt wait 4 this.....if u think startin from scratch would be better then go 4 it but it is a major task and will definately take long....i like everything abt this bot as it has everything which i'm lookin 4! and am sure manee others feel the same

u done a great job with it so far!

keep it up!!! ;)  :)  ;)  :))  ;)  8)
(? ?.??.->PLOP DEFINATELY 4 MOD!!!<-.??.???)


QuoteOriginally posted by Devastator
keep it going m8.......i jus cnt wait 4 this.....if u think startin from scratch would be better then go 4 it but it is a major task and will definately take long....i like everything abt this bot as it has everything which i'm lookin 4! and am sure manee others feel the same

u done a great job with it so far!

keep it up!!! ;)  :)  ;)  :))  ;)  8)

eheh why ty very much, maybe restarting wont be too bad, i have slow progress atm anyways lol
Resistance is futile!


Can't wait for the release!! Seems to have just about everything u could ever want.

Hey maybe a special Topic chat (i put a request for in the request section)  so all members can go and discuss the topic in detail away from main chat.

This looks very nice indeed!!

O, using Robocop 4....this wouldn't conflict with it would it??

Waiting patiently...


hmm, well ive decided ill write the G6 engine from scratch i had rediesigned it completely and will be much quicker, and it will conflict with robocop, altho i will be adding a special little file that will fix little problems like that ;)
Resistance is futile!

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