How To Create Right clicks


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How To Create Right clicks

Started by Dessamator, 16 May, 2005, 21:53:33

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-->>right clicks for users <<--
first of all create a function for normal users::eg.reg, unreg, vip, etc :

function NewUserConnected(User)     


and for ops :

function Opconnected(User)


after add code like this example :
User:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 help$<%[mynick]> !help|")  

now for the explanation :

User:SendData -- Sends info to the users client
$UserCommand 1 3 -- the right click command is sent
1 -- the type :

Quote is a positive integer describing the kind of command, where:
0 = separator
1 = raw
2 = raw-nick-limited (same as raw with the exception that it should only be used once per %[nick])
255 = erase all sent commands (MAY BE REMOVED, CONFUSES PEOPLE)stands for context menu
3 --stands for the context where it will appear:

 tells in which context the command should be shown, where:
1 = Hub command (View hub rules for example, change own password)
this command should contain no 'somenick' arguments (i.e. not %[nick] but it may contain %[mynick] or %[line:blah])
2 = User command (Show someones stats for example, ban someone)
this command may take nick-specific arguments
4 = User file command (Report bad file found for example)
this command may take nick- and file-specific arguments
8 = Filelist command (Report a bad file found then browsing a filelist for example) 
this command may take nick- and file-specific arguments
This context is new in DC++ 0.669

now for the details :

help -- thats the name of the command,
if u want to add a menu, just put \\
e.g : right click\\help

$<%[mynick]> -- simply sends the info that ur nick is sending the command to main chat

!help -- thats the command
| -- the escape

to add a dialog box for a command just add something like : %[line:description]
and to add a nick when using the search menu, or user list use %[nick]
User:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 op commands\\Kick user$<%[mynick]> !kick %[nick] %[line:Reason]|")

other stuff:

$UserCommand 0  | 
Will add a menu separator (vertical bar) to the specified contexts ().

$UserCommand 255  |
Will erase all commands that the hub has sent previously. This is for hubs/scripts that allow for updates while running.

for more info on those that refer to
Ignorance is Bliss.


Nice one Dessamator!
Surely this one will help lots of users... :D

Cheers m8


nice one!


(? ?.??.-> Admin @ Surfnet hubs <-.??.???)


QuoteOriginally posted by jiten
Nice one Dessamator!
Surely this one will help lots of users... :D

Cheers m8

and scripters too, hehe less work for us(that was my plan from the beginning)

thnx TTB

Any suggestions or corrections are welcome !
Ignorance is Bliss.




and a table

-- etc.

Where you have tables as values, tables contain many string values starting with $UserCommand

Thus you can make profile-based rightclick menus.

Also, you can do this:
function NewUserConnected(user)
 if usr.bUserCommand then

thus not sending rightclick who have it disabled, or their client does not support it, and you save resources.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


hmm indeed, well done bastya :))
Ignorance is Bliss.


Appreciate the tutorial. This is exactly what i have been trying to do. One thing though. I have tried and tried and get errors. I have looked thru the tutorial and read it several times, guess I am slower then i thought when it comes to the learning process :) . Would it be possible to give a short script example such as making a in a right click say called  TEXT  which expands out to let you choose text files? I plan on using the text script built in PtokaX to call on the text files in the text folder.  Dont need a custom script, if i did i would just post in the request section :) I wanna try to do this on my own, just wanted to see the layout , I can take it from there...i hope anyways :). Just maybe show all together what it would look like. I realize its probably something easy for most, but........well, not for me :) I just cant seem to get everything in the right order or something.  Thanx guys.


Finally got it , Now for the profile specific.  More info and "How-to's) would be great :)


First read this.

You say example script? Hmm, ok.

-- This script was written by bastya_elvtars
-- Helps you to learn writing scripted usercomands
-- Originally requested by XPMAN, but many can benefit from it
-- Don't forget to see the description of the protocol:

-- [URL][/URL]

-- Assume unreg can see help, reg can change pass, vip can add reg, op can add vip, master can add op.
-- Of course lower profile commands are available for higher profile too.
-- Using standard profiles for convenience.

	[-1]={"1 3 Help$<%[mynick]> !help|"}, -- normal users
	[0]={"1 3 Add an op$<%[mynick]> !regop %[line:Nick:] %[line:Password:]|"}, -- Master
	[1]={"1 3 Add a VIP$<%[mynick]> !regvip %[line:Nick:] %[line:Password:]|"}, -- OP
	[2]={"1 3 Add a reg$<%[mynick]> !regreg %[line:Nick:] %[line:Password:]|"}, -- VIP
	[3]={"1 3 Change password$<%[mynick]> !chpass %[line:New Password:]|"}

-- User levels. The more rights a user has, the higher the value for the profile key is.

[-1] = 1,
[0] = 5,
[1] = 4,
[2] = 3,
[3] = 2 }

function NewUserConnected(user)
	if user.bUserCommand then -- if his client accepts usercommands
		user:SendData("$UserCommand 0 3") -- separator
		for a,b in rc_by_profiles do -- thorough checking this table :)
			-- if his rights are equal or higher than needed for taht command
			if userlevels[user.iProfile] >= userlevels[a] then
				for k=1,table.getn(b) do -- parse array containing commands
					-- and send its elements according to NMDC protocol
					user:SendData("$UserCommand "..b[k])

Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


hmm, nice example bastya, lets just hope some ppl can learn from it , :)
Ignorance is Bliss.


QuoteOriginally posted by Dessamator
hmm, nice example bastya, lets just hope some ppl can learn from it , :)

I think they can, however this is a customisable still weird version, I am not used to this either, but for profile-based commands this is a neat way.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


Learning as we speak ;)  Thanx for the example buddy. That gives me a solid foothold.


Ok, I am having a problem with the would one make profile specific right click commands without tables? I know tables are better, but trying to take it one step at a time :)

For example, how would one use something like these commands, but it only show up in Op or Master profile right click:

user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 TESTHUB\\Profile management\\View Profile Numbers $<%[mynick]> !profiles||") 

user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 TESTHUB\\Profile management\\Enable Profile $<%[mynick]> !enableprofile %[line:What profile do you wish to Re-Enable?] ||") 

user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 TESTHUB\\Profile management\\Disable Profile $<%[mynick]> !disableprofile %[line:What profile number do you wish to Disable?] ||")

Just trying to understand all this :)  Any help would be great!!


QuoteOriginally posted by XPMAN
Ok, I am having a problem with the would one make profile specific right click commands without tables? I know tables are better, but trying to take it one step at a time :)

For example, how would one use something like these commands, but it only show up in Op or Master profile right click
Well, for example, this one will send the rightclick to every non-operator:
function NewUserConnected(user)
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 TESTHUB\\Profile management\\View Profile Numbers $<%[mynick]> !profiles||") 

And this one to operators:
function OpConnected(user)
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 TESTHUB\\Profile management\\View Profile Numbers $<%[mynick]> !profiles||") 

Then, if you want to send it to a certain profile, then you would need to add a if statement under the right function. Something like this:
function NewUserConnected(user)
	if user.iProfile == 2 then
		user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 TESTHUB\\Profile management\\View Profile Numbers $<%[mynick]> !profiles||") 


Thank u for taking the time to clear it for me  :))

I know alot of this stuff is "common knowledge" for alot of you guys, but thanks for helping out a newbie such as myself. Thank God I finally understand this to move on to the next step  :))


You're welcome :]


[2]={"1 3 Add a reg$<%[mynick]> !regreg %[line:Nick:] %[line:Password:]|"}, -- VIP

i.m lookig to insert in the register this symbol  []ML[].

the user enter with your nick, example  zocotrocolo

 i send command to rightclick into de zrightclicker for robocop and need insert automatically de symbol []ML[].

for register finally is []ML[].zocotrocolo




QuoteOriginally posted by bastya_elvtars
First read this.

You say example script? Hmm, ok.

-- This script was written by bastya_elvtars
-- Helps you to learn writing scripted usercomands
-- Originally requested by XPMAN, but many can benefit from it
-- Don't forget to see the description of the protocol:

-- [URL][/URL]

-- Assume unreg can see help, reg can change pass, vip can add reg, op can add vip, master can add op.
-- Of course lower profile commands are available for higher profile too.
-- Using standard profiles for convenience.

	[-1]={"1 3 Help$<%[mynick]> !help|"}, -- normal users
	[0]={"1 3 Add an op$<%[mynick]> !regop %[line:Nick:] %[line:Password:]|"}, -- Master
	[1]={"1 3 Add a VIP$<%[mynick]> !regvip %[line:Nick:] %[line:Password:]|"}, -- OP
	[2]={"1 3 Add a reg$<%[mynick]> !regreg %[line:Nick:] %[line:Password:]|"}, -- VIP
	[3]={"1 3 Change password$<%[mynick]> !chpass %[line:New Password:]|"}

-- User levels. The more rights a user has, the higher the value for the profile key is.

[-1] = 1,
[0] = 5,
[1] = 4,
[2] = 3,
[3] = 2 }

function NewUserConnected(user)
	if user.bUserCommand then -- if his client accepts usercommands
		user:SendData("$UserCommand 0 3") -- separator
		for a,b in rc_by_profiles do -- thorough checking this table :)
			-- if his rights are equal or higher than needed for taht command
			if userlevels[user.iProfile] >= userlevels[a] then
				for k=1,table.getn(b) do -- parse array containing commands
					-- and send its elements according to NMDC protocol
					user:SendData("$UserCommand "..b[k])


I tried to use this example as a pinpointer, when I tried to create a rightclick-menu my self. It all starts, but when I rightclick, and check the menu, only one of my now two alternatives shows up. And I can't understand why.

The thing that I changed from above, is this


   [-1]={"1 2 Check new releases at\\NFORCE\\PC-Games$<%[mynick]> !nfpcg-iso|"},
   [-1]={"1 2 Check new releases at\\NFORCE\\Xbox-Games$<%[mynick]> !nfxbox|"},

Thanks, in advance, Joakim.


QuoteOriginally posted by Mutor
you can only set the profile, in this case [-1] once. The second statement overwrites the first.

You'll need an array. Something like this should do.


[-1]={"1 2 Check new releases at\\NFORCE\\PC-Games$<%[mynick]> !nfpcg-iso|","1 2 Check new releases at\\NFORCE\\Xbox-Games$<%[mynick]> !nfxbox|"}, 

bastya_elvtars only used one command per profile in his example, thats all.

Thanks Mutor, it worked out fine now. And thanks to bastya for submitting the "guide" before, it now seems clear to me now =)

Just started using Ptokax again, used it in the begining of my hub-owner career, but switched to ynhub, but I can see that the ptokax got the potential do more and be more fun.

So thanks guys for a wonderful help. =)


To be honest, I don't use this method myself. I use like this:

["Help$ !help|"]=4
-- etc.

so the key is the command itself, value is the userlevel, according to

[-1] = 1,
[0] = 5,
[1] = 4,
[2] = 3,
[3] = 2 }
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


QuoteOriginally posted by bastya_elvtars
To be honest, I don't use this method myself. I use like this:

["Help$ !help|"]=4
-- etc.

so the key is the command itself, value is the userlevel, according to

[-1] = 1,
[0] = 5,
[1] = 4,
[2] = 3,
[3] = 2 }

Well, I'm back again.. Think I screwed up real good, or just tired, I don't know.. I just can't get it right this time either.

I now used bastya_elvtars first script example to XP-man, but tried to change to his later way of making rightclick-commands.. And it now doesn't work at all, it says the following in ptokax: [00:28] Syntax ...nts and Settings\Joakim\Mina dokument\Ptokax HUb\scripts\rightclick2.lua:27: `}' expected (to close `{' at line 25) near `['

And I use notepad, and found out that line that isn't working, is one of this

["Check new releases at\\NFORCE\\Games - PC$<%[mynick]> !nfpcg-iso|"]=1
["Check new releases at\\NFORCE\\Games - PS2$<%[mynick]> !nfps2|"]=1
["Check new releases at\\NFORCE\\Games - Xbox$<%[mynick]> !nfxbox|"]=1
["Check new releases at\\NFORCE\\Movies - XviD$<%[mynick]> !nfxvid|"]=1
["Check new releases at\\NFORCE\\Movies - DVDR$<%[mynick]> !nfdvdr|"]=1

And it's all I've changed from bastya_elvtars earlier piece of code.

Thanks in advance, Joakim.


Put a } after the last line posted. :)

And use Notepad++ or SciTe.

See this wiki page on editors.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


QuoteOriginally posted by bastya_elvtars
Put a } after the last line posted. :)

And use Notepad++ or SciTe.

See this wiki page on editors.

I've downloaded Notepad++, thanks for the tip =)

But, I can't get the script working properly..

So can you make a working, complete example to me, when you both have commands for all, and commands accessable to OPs, because I'm stuck with this shit, can't get it working. =)

And using your method: ["Help$ !help|"]=4


Im making a right click and to my work become more easier i want to add a function thats adds the escape thing (||) in all commands without repeating over and over again...i saw this code in rc rightclick
GetRightClick = function(user, table1, table2)
	for cmd,level in table1 do
		if table1[cmd][user.iProfile] == 1 then
			if table2[cmd] then
But the problem is that im not using right click looks like this
function OpConnected(user)
if (user.iProfile) == -1 then
-- the commands

Could some one help me?

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