help to change prefix from + to ! in Guardian


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help to change prefix from + to ! in Guardian

Started by Thewiruz, 02 September, 2005, 17:06:19

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Hello i have a big problem.I tried to change the command prefix in guardian from + to ! but when i tried to register a user it still says that i need to type +regme

I restarted the script but still thesame problem.

Most of the users seems to use the ! command and noone seems to read the command list :/

DJ Bert

Is it Guardian you talking about or is it Guarding and what version is it??


i mean Guarding V0.3.6 b i think.I d/l the latest one

It seems like the + wont change :( i changed it in the Guarding settings but its still + :( i have restarted the script but with no sucess

DJ Bert

Did you also changed the hub commands prefix in ptokax?

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