long raw command disconnects ?


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long raw command disconnects ?

Started by cpu-point, 07 September, 2005, 19:20:12

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After reading the question of hutchenky if noticed also some weird behaviour of ptx 3.3.21 and robo 10.e
but i cant be sure if its an ptx related problem.

when using an long Raw command , and trying to kick someone i am disconnected.

after shorten the raw command problems are over.

is there an max length for the rawcommand ? in ptokax or can it be robo related ?


Care to post the command itself?
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


$To: %[nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> You are using %[clienttype] and are kicked because of  %[cheatingdescription] any complaints ? contact =>info@XXX-XXXXX.com |<%[mynick]> is kicking %[nick] because: of %[cheatingdescription]|<%[mynick]> ?kick %[nick]  because of :%[cheatingdescription]|

Thats the raw.......

btw reaplaced real mailadress.... dont like spam  :D


try changeing the ?kick  to !kick or +kick depending what command your hub uses


I dont use raw commands, but check out dcdm raw command quide = http://www.ukdnb.dsl.pipex.com/guide/raw.htm

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