Disconnecting users


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Disconnecting users

Started by Tw?sT?d-d?v, 09 September, 2006, 15:23:08

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Not sure if bug or my prob ..  im getting users disconnecting and reconnecting from hub constaintly ...  ive done checks on my line and even phoned isp up to find out if any probs...   there was a prob a few weeks ago , so i thought that was it and thought no more about it.

But it is still carrying on ( isp prob fixed ) ive tested line again and checked all settings in hubsoft and scripts.

im using p/x lua 5.0.2       Here is list of scripts im running and my hub stats

- [ 1 ]  FunScriptV8.lua
- [ 1 ]  RoboCopv10.021.lua
- [ 1 ]  Numbers.lua
- [ 1 ]  Trivia-Ex-V.0.68.lua5.lua
- [ 1 ]  antiadvert.lua
- [ 1 ]  pxstats09.lua
- [ 1 ]  Dynamic Listing 1.0d L5.1.lua

I have tried turning scripts off 1 at a time to see if script prob

Current stats:
Version: PtokaX DC Hub built on Jul 14 2006 20:12:39
Uptime: 0 days, 20 hours, 39 minutes
Users (Max/Actual Peak (Max Peak)/Logged): 300 / 104 (308) / 93
Users shared size: 62826076378120 Bytes / 57.14 TB
Chat messages: 27 x
Unknown commands: 7453 x
PM commands: 74 x
Key commands: 1743 x
Supports commands: 1856 x
MyINFO commands: 5447 x
ValidateNick commands: 1682 x
GetINFO commands: 0 x
Password commands: 1057 x
Version commands: 507 x
GetNickList commands: 567 x
Search commands: 18342 x
SR commands: 2877 x
CTM commands: 97779 x
RevCTM commands: 11247 x
BotINFO commands: 0 x
CPU usage (60 sec avg): 0.00%
CPU time: 0:08:59
Mem usage (Peak): 10.54 MB (58.04 MB)
VM size (Peak): 37.96 MB (59.64 MB)
SendRests (Peak): 2 (36)
RecvRests (Peak): 0 (2)
Compression saved: 3.72 MB (16)
Data sent: 173.38 MB
Data received: 835.78 kB
Tx (60 sec avg): 82 B/s (2.38 kB/s)
Rx (60 sec avg): 89 B/s (91 B/s)

Any ideas on what i could try or is any1 else having the same prob ?


yup i get the same prob with the same hub version but LUA 5.1.1 contineous login's and logout's in main but i thought at first it might just be the users and not me although its never happened to me personally in my own hub.
no it's not my scripts either, my scripts are perfect  ;D kiddin' ;) but there are a lot more login's and logout's with this version than previously.

The Direct Connect Global Banlist get protected.


Can any1 else offer any surgestion to this please          ...    ive re-built my hub(just to make sure things are ok)
and problem still happens.
Firewalls have been checked ports are all working right .



Try to disable scripts one by one and see if one of your scripts is the reason for the problem ... but i don't know
Or if you can , see what Dc++ clients are getting disconnected ... i think oDC is the one with this problem


Or ones which are sending UserIP.

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