ChatCMD's. creating chatboxes problem

ChatCMD's. creating chatboxes problem

Started by eagle00789, 19 March, 2008, 12:18:37

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I have removed all the default chatboxes that are created and created my own chatboxes (with help from DixBot ofcourse). I created a VIP-chat and an OP-Chat, but only the vipchat is visible, but not the opchat. below you will find my configfile for the chats:
tChats = {
	["-+=VIPChat=+-"] = {
		["Levels"] = {
			[0] = 1,
			[2] = 1,
			[3] = 1,
			[1] = 1,
			[4] = 1,
			[5] = 1,
		["Key"] = 1,
		["Active"] = true,
		["By"] = "eagle00789",
		["Desc"] = "VIP Chat",
	["-+=OPChat=+-"] = {
		["Levels"] = {
			[0] = 1,
			[2] = 1,
			[3] = 1,
			[1] = 1,
			[4] = 0,
			[5] = 0,
		["Key"] = 1,
		["Active"] = true,
		["By"] = "eagle00789",
		["Desc"] = "OP Chat",
How can i make the opchat visible (to the correct usergroups ofcourse)


If the OpsChat has the same name as the OpsChat in the PtokaX GUi AND the OpsChat in PtokaX is set to NOT register, it will overwrite the scripted version thus not show in the userlist.

Check in PtokaX if thats the case..



so basicly what i need to do is change that name there and all will be ok??


i changed the name in ptokax gui to something we would never use as a name for a bot, restarted the scriots and it was there. thx mate :D


You're welcome :-)

I'll add a check for it so you don't run into this issue again..



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