DiXBoT Module: CoustomReg [Updatet:18.06.2010]

DiXBoT Module: CoustomReg [Updatet:18.06.2010]

Started by Snooze, 18 June, 2010, 21:38:05

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This post is about the DiXBoT Module: CustomReg

This DiXBoT Module started as a request to control the way users regged once they enter your hub.
Simplifyed: You can set a max time giving the user an option to register or enter a pre-defined (secret) password. If they dont, you have the option to disconnect, kick and ban.
While the user is in the hub, you can also block search/download and chat unless they register.

	DiXBoT][DemoHub Help Topics. 	( 10 Command(s) )
	!craction                	:Set/View the Force Registration Action.
	!crchatblock             	:Set/View the Custom Registration ChatBlock Main/PM True/False.
	!crconfig                	:View the Custom Registration Config.
	!crforcereg              	:Set/View the Force Registration Status True/False.
	!crforcetime             	:Set/View the Force Registration Timeout.
	!crnotitmr               	:Set/View the Custom Registration Notication Timer.
	!crpm                    	:Set/View the Custom Registration Notication in PM True/False.
	!crprof                  	:Set/View the Custom Registration Profile.
	!crsecretreg             	:Set/View the SecReg Registration Status True/False.
	!crsecretword            	:Set/View the SecReg Registration Word.

As always, everything can be set to your likings and fully integrated to DiXBoT Manager.

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