Recent posts - Page 10


29 December 2022 - PtokaX (20th anniversary edition) released...
11 April 2017 - PtokaX released...
8 April 2015 Anti child and anti pedo pr0n scripts are not allowed anymore on this board!
28 September 2015 - PtokaX for Windows 10 IoT released...
3 September 2015 - PtokaX released...
16 August 2015 - PtokaX released...
1 August 2015 - Crowdfunding for ADC protocol support in PtokaX ended. Clearly nobody want ADC support...
30 June 2015 - PtokaX released...
30 April 2015 Crowdfunding for ADC protocol support in PtokaX
26 April 2015 New support hub!
20 February 2015 - PtokaX released...
13 April 2014 - PtokaX released...
23 March 2014 - PtokaX testing version build 454 is available.
04 March 2014 - sites were temporary down because of DDOS attacks and issues with hosting service provider.

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Recent posts

Request for scripts / Re: Script to keep track of th...
Last post by the-master - 19 January, 2017, 19:35:56
you'll need info from users client, hub doesn't give any info about amounts.
Request for scripts / Script to keep track of the co...
Last post by greywyatt - 18 January, 2017, 19:21:36
I want to achieve the functionality to keep track of the the amount dnloaded and uploaded by users on a hub and store the in a text file/sql table.By this i want to promote sharing and more seeding/uploading on my hub.Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Edit:If someone has the knowlege of how to do so pls ahare ...i will try to write the script on my own. :)
Finished Scripts / Re: PostMan 0.9 beta2
Last post by PPK - 16 January, 2017, 17:52:35
Quote from: Sir_BadEnglish on 16 January, 2017, 11:07:13
...lua5.2.3_Chathub\scripts\postman\base64.lua:71: attempt to call a nil value (global 'module')
If i remember correctly "module" was in lua 5.1 and was removed to 5.2. You can't run this on PtokaX with lua 5.2.3  :rolleyes:
Finished Scripts / Re: PostMan 0.9 beta2
Last post by Sir_BadEnglish - 16 January, 2017, 11:07:13
i get the following error:
...lua5.2.3_Chathub\scripts\postman\base64.lua:71: attempt to call a nil value (global 'module')

this is the part of the file "base64.lua". Z71 is the line before the last "end":
-- command line if not called as library
if (arg ~= nil) then
   local func = 'enc'
   for n,v in ipairs(arg) do
      if (n > 0) then
         if (v == "-h") then print "base64.lua [-e] [-d] text/data" break
         elseif (v == "-e") then func = 'enc'
         elseif (v == "-d") then func = 'dec'
         else print(_G[func](v)) end

What can i do?
Offtopic / Re: catching up
Last post by piglja - 10 January, 2017, 11:09:19
Nope, nobody's around...
Offtopic / Re: A poll for Piglja
Last post by piglja - 10 January, 2017, 11:08:44
Tadaaa - was cruising my nick and found this forum - just here to say a short hi ;)
Support / Re: How do i start my own hub?...
Last post by TiMeTrAVelleR - 01 January, 2017, 18:35:34
Did you check if you opend the right ports  in youre router.
Support / Re: How do i start my own hub?...
Last post by the-master - 01 January, 2017, 15:22:08
Hub can't say connection timeout, your client does.
Do not mess with settings unless you're sure its wrong.
Try connecting to your hub with addy "localhost" in clients settings, if its running you should be able to get in.
Test your domain if it's setup the way it should by opening a cmd-line and use command "ping your-domain-name".
It should resolve and ping to your IP
If you still can't get in though your-domain-name, check settings on it's website.
Like I told you before, you're not having issues with ptokax, but with your network etc.
Support / Re: How do i start my own hub?...
Last post by RDBN23 - 31 December, 2016, 05:33:58

i am trying but hub says connection timed out. i cannot do this on my own. I need help. I already have the client running but now what? what do i type in the settings? i want the hub to be public as well.
Support / Re: How do i start my own hub?...
Last post by the-master - 30 December, 2016, 09:04:47
There's no IP needed in settings on PtokaX, you better use your own domain and set your domain to your IP.
You don't have a problem with PtokaX, but with other stuff.
Some hublists are auto pinging by Pto's settings, others need you to register and add your hubs addy manualy.
Some help:
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