> > > [ THOR ] By: NightLitch < < < - Page 7


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> > > [ THOR ] By: NightLitch < < <

Started by NightLitch, 18 June, 2004, 11:08:02

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QuoteOriginally posted by NightLitch
THoR 2.0 Out Next Week...

Hope this brings happy faces...  :D

Cheers / NightLitch
WHhooooooohhooooooo!!! :D


brings big smile to face to here this news
time to feed


I am back as Beta tester for you now NL!! =)

I going to try your THOR 2 when you get it dunn my m8 =)  The THOR 1.5 looks nice!

In THOR 2.... can wee Config the Add-On IP-Ranger in the Standard Thor Config?

Bring it on!



QuoteOriginally posted by WickeD
I am back as Beta tester for you now NL!! =)

I going to try your THOR 2 when you get it dunn my m8 =)  The THOR 1.5 looks nice!

In THOR 2.... can wee Config the Add-On IP-Ranger in the Standard Thor Config?

Bring it on!


Am rewriting the GUI again on the side and it that the IP-Ranger will be added...

I guess THoR 2 will be released on Wednesday or Thursday.

Cheers / NL


QuoteOriginally posted by NightLitch
QuoteOriginally posted by WickeD
I am back as Beta tester for you now NL!! =)

I going to try your THOR 2 when you get it dunn my m8 =)  The THOR 1.5 looks nice!

In THOR 2.... can wee Config the Add-On IP-Ranger in the Standard Thor Config?

Bring it on!


Am rewriting the GUI again on the side and it that the IP-Ranger will be added...

I guess THoR 2 will be released on Wednesday or Thursday.

Cheers / NL
[[= it feels like a second christmas =]]
A cold BeeR is stunning !!


Great, really looking forwar to this one *g*

1 little request as well. Could you please place an uncompiled Version in there to. If i place the Original in my Hub noone except me would understand what the messages are. So i need to do some translating to German. This is the only reason i'm not using Thor.

thanks in advance (on my knee's already *g* )
PtokaxWiki ?PtokaX Mirror + latest Libs



QuoteOriginally posted by Psycho_Chihuahua
Great, really looking forwar to this one *g*

1 little request as well. Could you please place an uncompiled Version in there to. If i place the Original in my Hub noone except me would understand what the messages are. So i need to do some translating to German. This is the only reason i'm not using Thor.

thanks in advance (on my knee's already *g* )

Well the Main-Script have a Translation file, I have the command-function part to work with left for the multilanguage.

But I think when I release THoR compiled you can hold out for one more week the I will release the update with the rest of the multilanguage part.

Right now it feel like it is not the same importance like the bugs Zinden is finding for me...

well Cheerz, of to school now  :(  boomer / NightLitch


Can You add this?

And if the user do not have a IP number in that IP-Ranger, the user will bee kicked and get a massage.
And can you add a empty line in THOR 2 Config where I can write that massage to the user my self?

And it is a bug in THOR 1.5 Config/Advertising List.

When I try to add a adress in the List I get this error massage:

wxLua Error while running chunkwxLua: Atthempt to call an invalid method 'Get value'. Stack traceback:
Alt_GuI.Lua:325 in function
[C]: in function ?Main loop?
./startup.lua:7 in main chunk



Can you add when a User have wrong ISP-Tag the Bot show the ISP-Tag that the User have, so the user can see what he/she have writed wrong?  Like this:

<-IP-Ranger-> Your ISP Tag [Bostream] is not Allowed here...
<-IP-Ranger-> Allowed ISP Tag's for you:
   [Kommunicera]   [Bostaden]   [NorrNod]

<-IP-Ranger-> *** Disconnected...
*** Disconnected



THoR 2.0 will be released within 3 Hours...!!!!!!!!!!!  :D

Some final checks.

And as always expect some bugs  ;)

I will update IP-Ranger and other stuff later on.



And from this moment THoR is no longer compiled...

because Am gonna start on developing THoR 3.0.

But if anyone is gonna change or copy some code, plz use my name in the comments plz...

Cheers / NightLitch


QuoteOriginally posted by NightLitch
And from this moment THoR is no longer compiled...

because Am gonna start on developing THoR 3.0.

But if anyone is gonna change or copy some code, plz use my name in the comments plz...

Cheers / NightLitch

Nice to hear M8

By the way, offers still up for translating 2 german ;)
PtokaxWiki ?PtokaX Mirror + latest Libs





Cool Stuff M8

I did the German Language File so if you'd like it here it is:

Du hast einen falschen Nick, bitte ?ndern...
Dein Client ist hier nicht erlaubt...
Du hast nicht den richtigen ISP/Tag verwende:
Dein Nick enth?lt mehr als  [VALUE] Zeichen.
Dein Nick enth?lt weniger als  [VALUE] Zeichen
Du bist bereits mit einem anderen Nick im Hub...
Dieser Chat ist nur f?r VIP's und h?her...
[USER] m?chte melden: [MSG]
Um [TIME], hat [USER] diese Abwesenheits Meldung hinterlassen: [MSG]
WARNUNG!!! Noch 2 Nachrichten innert ein paar Sekunden und du wirst wegen spammen gebannt...
[USER] du spammst den MainChat!
R?hre diesen User nicht nochmal an !!
[OP] versuchte [USER] zu kicken!!
*** Du musst ein registrierter User sein um von den OP's zu downloaden
*** Frage einen OP falls du Reg User werden willst...
Du wurdest gekickt weil: [REASON] Datei: [FILE]
[USER] wurde gekickt weil [REASON] Datei: [FILE]
Such Clients sind hier nicht erlaubt...
Es ist nicht erlaubt  [VALUE] Zahlen im Nick zu haben...
Du bist nicht befugt diesen Befehl auszuf?hren!
[USER] wurde vorr?bergehend f?r [TIME] wegen spammens gebannt.
Du wurdest vorr?bergehend f?r [TIME] wegen spammens gebannt.
Du verwendest [CLIENT] Version ( [VERSION] )
Die ?lteste [CLIENT] Version die hier erlaubt istt, ist  ( [VERSION] ), du kannst die aktuelle [CLIENT] auf [URL]http://www.dslreports.com/faq/6513[/URL] herunterladen.
[CLIENT] ist hier nicht erlaubt!!
Deine MyInfoString ist invalid oder korrupt!!
Du hast zuwenig Slots offen, minimum sind [SLOTS] slot(s).
Du hast zuviele Slots offen, maximum sind [SLOTS] slot(s).
Du bist in zuvielen Hubs, maximum sind [HUBS] hub(s).
Du hast zuwenig Slots pro Hub ge?ffnet, minimum sind [SLOTS] slot(s) pro hub.")
Du hast deine Bandbreite limitiert auf [BANDWIDTH] kB/s, minimum sind [BANDWIDTH] kB/s.
Bandbreiten Limiter sind hier nicht erlaubt.
[SPEED] Verbindung ist hier nicht erlaubt.
Du hast die Erwartung des Minimum Shares nicht erf?llt [SHARE] [VALUE]
Du hast die Erwartung des Maximum Shares nicht erf?llt [SHARE] [VALUE]
Userinfo Reiniger. Jeder User der seit [VALUE] Wochen nicht mehr im Hub war, wird aus der Database gel?scht.
[COUNT] User wurden aus der database gel?scht
Socket Mode Verbindungen sind hier nicht erlaubt...
Wir erlauben hier keinen Passiv Modus...
Wir erlauben hier keinen Aktiv Modus...
PtokaxWiki ?PtokaX Mirror + latest Libs



nice thx added, will update l8r on...



Then nightlitch says : " I'll show u some spirit and teach you to Lua!" ... and so he did ..

Thunderage is Here !!!!! in my own hard drive ! and I am gonna test and use and learn and admire !!! :)

Thx for everything Nightlitch !!


QuoteOriginally posted by Herodes
Then nightlitch says : " I'll show u some spirit and teach you to Lua!" ... and so he did ..

Thunderage is Here !!!!! in my own hard drive ! and I am gonna test and use and learn and admire !!! :)

Thx for everything Nightlitch !!

Thanks mate, many of you have waited for this release I hope I haven't dissapointed you all...




now ther is a verry happy lyken sat at his pc  
just signed in to find what i been waiting to find
and smile is to big
im now playing with new hub and enjoying every min
nice one to the master of scripting NightLitch

the script looks out of this world and will be in me main hub with in no time at all  once agian well dum m8

and p.s   the right klick comands made 4 nxs   wrk perfect in thor 2
time to feed


i just noticed 4 the 1st time

and i need help  the anti advertise ist wrking

help   plse   as to what might be wrong
i have turned it on to time ban but nothing
time to feed


ok sorry to be a pain   but i sorted advertising prob

the only thing not wrking 4 me now is  bad file kicker
any one have any idiea   what it could be

apart from that  wrking great   and its wickid
time to feed


QuoteOriginally posted by LYKEN
i just noticed 4 the 1st time

and i need help  the anti advertise ist wrking

help   plse   as to what might be wrong
i have turned it on to time ban but nothing

Am not home now so I can't check that. But current Advertising part in THoR will not be for long I will replace it AGAIN.. hehe

Hope everything else for to 97% atleast....



Hey NightLitch here some more translating done...

CmdLine1 = "Zeige verf?gbare Befehle"
CmdLine2 = "Zeige verf?gbare OP Befehle"
CmdLine3 = "Kicke User, Begr?ndung ist Optional"
CmdLine4 = "Banne User, Begr?ndung ist Optional"
CmdLine5 = "Warne User, Begr?ndung ist Optional"
CmdLine6 = "Timebanne einen User mit Begr?ndung. var: ( m/h/d )"
CmdLine7 = "Kille User, Begr?ndung ist Optional"
CmdLine8 = "Setze deinen Status auf away"
CmdLine9 = "Setzezt deinen Status auf zur?ck"
CmdLine10 = "Zeigt alle User Awaymeldungen. nick ist Optional"
CmdLine11 = "Sendet eine PM vom Bot an alle User"
CmdLine12 = "Sendet eine PM vom Bot an alle Operatoren"
CmdLine13 = "Sendet eine PM vom Bot an alle VIP User"
CmdLine14 = "Sendet eine PM vom Bot an alle RegUser"
CmdLine15 = "Zeigt alle RegUser"
CmdLine16 = "Zeigt alle registrierten VIPUser"
CmdLine17 = "Zeigt alle registrierten OpUser"
CmdLine18 = "Zeigt alle Online User"
CmdLine19 = "Registriere einen User. ( reg, vip, opr, mod, adm )"
CmdLine20 = "L?sche einen registrierten User."
CmdLine21 = "Finde ban in banliste"
CmdLine22 = "Hole das Passwort eines Users"
CmdLine23 = "Leere tempban liste"
CmdLine24 = "Checke nick/ip in RIPE.NET Database"
CmdLine25 = "Hole info vvon User/ip"
CmdLine26 = "Zeige deine Client Setzetings"
CmdLine27 = "Zeige deine IP"
CmdLine28 = "Zeige hubinfo"
CmdLine29 = "Sende eine PM Nachricht an einen User"
CmdLine30 = "Sende einen Werbebanner"
CmdLine31 = "Zeige Hubregeln"
CmdLine32 = "Zeige OP Regeln"
CmdLine33 = "Zeige hub network"
CmdLine34 = "rede in der 3ten person (auch als emote bekannt)"
CmdLine35 = "Zeige Liste gebannter IP Adressen"
CmdLine36 = "Permanenter ban auf IP Adresse"
CmdLine37 = "Banne User namen (falls User verbunden ist wird er gekickt)"
CmdLine38 = "Entbanne IP address oder User name"
CmdLine39 = "Der User kann wieder ins Mainchat posten"
CmdLine40 = "Der User kann nicht mehr ins Mainchat posten"
CmdLine41 = "OP einen User f?r 1 Sitzung"
CmdLine42 = "Hub Neustart"
CmdLine43 = "Hub Scripte Neustart"
CmdLine44 = "Zeige Hubsoft Status"
CmdLine45 = "Hole kicks vvon User"
CmdLine46 = "Hole bans von User"
CmdLine47 = "Hole timebans von User"
CmdLine48 = "Hole warns von User"
CmdLine49 = "Lese Hubstats"
CmdLine50 = "Reinige Userinfo database"
CmdLine51 = "Hole profil info ( slots, share usw )"
CmdLine52 = "Unreg einen Botnamen von der Userliste"
CmdLine53 = "Reinige Memory"
CmdLine54 = "Registriere dich selbst mit einem Passwort"
CmdLine55 = "?ndere deinen passwort"
CmdLine56 = "Setze deine Eingangs Nachricht, [User] anstatt des Nicks & [HUB] f?r den Hubnamen"
CmdLine57 = "Setze deine Austritts Nachricht, [User] anstatt des Nicks & [HUB] f?r den Hubnamen"
CmdLine58 = "L?sche User Intro Nachricht"
CmdLine59 = "L?scheete User Outro Nachricht"
CmdLine60 = "Zeige Liste ?ber Intro Nachrichten von User"
CmdLine61 = "Zeige Liste ?ber Outro Nachrichten von User"
CmdLine62 = "Zeige den Author des Scriptes"
CmdLine63 = "Speichere UserInfo"
CmdLine64 = "Adde link zu Kategorie ( index )"
CmdLine65 = "L?sche link from Kategorie ( index )"
CmdLine66 = "Zeige link list, index is optional"
CmdLine67 = "Adde link Kategorie"
CmdLine68 = "L?sche link Kategorie ( index )"
CmdLine69 = "Adde redirect address"
CmdLine70 = "L?sche redirect address"
CmdLine71 = "Zeige Umleitungs Liste"
CmdLine72 = "Setze minimum slots f?r Profil ( User, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine73 = "Setze maximum slots f?r Profil ( User, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine74 = "Setze slots pro Hub f?r Profil ( User, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine75 = "Setze maximum hubs f?r Profil ( User, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine76 = "Setze minimum share f?r Profil ( User, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin ) unit ( b, mb, gb, tb )"
CmdLine77 = "Setze maximum share f?r Profil ( User, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin ) unit ( b, mb, gb, tb )"
CmdLine78 = "Setze Bandbreiten limiter f?r Profil ( User, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine79 = "Setze Bandbreiten blocker f?r Profil ( User, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine80 = "Setze client checker f?r Profil ( User, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine81 = "Setze myinfo/tag checker f?r Profil ( User, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine82 = "Setze share checker f?r Profil ( User, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine83 = "Zeige profile settings ( User, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin ) "

I'll be back with more ;)
PtokaxWiki ?PtokaX Mirror + latest Libs



Ok, like i said....

QuoteOriginally posted by Psycho_Chihuahua
I'll be back with more ;)

Well i've done an almost complete Translation to German leaving all Credits to NightLitch...

I also placed the last guarding.p2p (blocking 24707 ip Ranges), that was available from Methlab before it went down, in it.

THoR 2.0 German Edition   :D
PtokaxWiki ?PtokaX Mirror + latest Libs



Hi !!!

No syntax errors in script file Thor.lua
No syntax errors in script file KOLUCHIYantireklama.lua
No syntax errors in script file iprang.lua
Syntax error: bad argument #1 to `strfind' (string expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
   1:  function `strfind' [C]
   2:  function `ParseMyInfo' at line 990 [file `C:\Hub THoR_2.0\scripts\Thor.lua']
   3:  function `NewUserConnected' at line 259 [file `C:\Hub THoR_2.0\scripts\Thor.lua']


QuoteOriginally posted by EZIS-007
Hi !!!

No syntax errors in script file Thor.lua
No syntax errors in script file KOLUCHIYantireklama.lua
No syntax errors in script file iprang.lua
Syntax error: bad argument #1 to `strfind' (string expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
   1:  function `strfind' [C]
   2:  function `ParseMyInfo' at line 990 [file `C:\Hub THoR_2.0\scripts\Thor.lua']
   3:  function `NewUserConnected' at line 259 [file `C:\Hub THoR_2.0\scripts\Thor.lua']

What Client did make that ???


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