Problem with getHubVersion() in PtokaX DC Hub [debug] May 17 2006 06:3


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Problem with getHubVersion() in PtokaX DC Hub [debug] May 17 2006 06:3

Started by 6Marilyn6Manson6, 17 May, 2006, 15:29:12

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This is my line:
disp = disp.."	?Hub PtokaX Version:			"..getHubVersion().."\r\n"

and return:
?Hub PtokaX Version:			PtokaX

In Scripting-Interface.txt, I see? ?getHubVersion()            - Return appname and version like name, ver = getHubVersion() -> name = "PtokaX", ver = "" . Return only name not versione, It is a bug?


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Yes, I use this:

local name,version = getHubVersion()
disp = disp.."	?Hub Version:\t\t\t"" "..version.."\r\n"

and this solution work. But I read:

getHubVersion()            - Return appname and version like name, ver = getHubVersion() -> name = "PtokaX", ver = ""

I don't know.... :S


If a function returns more values, then you have to query all return values before the desired one. Assume dummy() returns 5 values, if you only need the 5th, ylou still need to query the first 4, like: _,_,_,myvar=dummy()
(the underscore is a placeholder for variables. :-P)
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


Quote from: bastya_elvtars on 17 May, 2006, 16:03:03
If a function returns more values, then you have to query all return values before the desired one. Assume dummy() returns 5 values, if you only need the 5th, ylou still need to query the first 4, like: _,_,_,myvar=dummy()
(the underscore is a placeholder for variables. :-P)

Thanks for your explain at me :D


as Ptokax only gives the Version as PtokaX i cheated in the InfoBot Script to add the Subversion String like h0 Lua 5.02 and such

PtxVers = "h0 Lua 5.02"		-- PtokaX Version Substring
	name, ver = getHubVersion()
	"\tHub Version: \t"" "..ver.." "..PtxVers.."\r\n"..
shows this way as:
	Hub Version: 	PtokaX h0 Lua 5.02

That way you have the Version Substring as well ;) (well 1 change every update is not that much work) ;)
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